
How do you win a game of Seance Party?

Reduce your opponent's total Spirit Energy to 0 when a round is over to win!

How to Play

Séance Party Playmat

Each player needs. At least one set of dice including the d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20.

A deck of 30 Séance Party cards whose total power do not exceed 50.

A set of 5 suit cards including a Circle, Cross, Waves, Square, and Star.

Séance Party Dice


Each player shuffles their deck.

Each player places cards from the top of their deck into the Spirit Energy Area until there are 5.

Spirit Energy Area


Séance Party is divided into rounds.

At the beginning of each round each player fills their hand to 5 cards. Then takes any face down cards in their Pit and places them into their hand.

To determine who makes the first move during the FIRST round each player reveals ALL cards in hand that have a value in the SPEED parameter.

To determine who makes the first move in subsequent rounds each player will total the value of the SPEED parameter from all cards that are in play on their respective play areas.

Play proceeds in order of speed result or clockwise to keep it simple.

While it is their turn, a player can do several things.

Play a card

Cast a card

Activate an effect


To play a card, hold the card so that the back is facing your opponent.

Your opponent may counter the play of your card by revealing a card from their hand that matches the suit of the card you are trying to play. Countered cards are sent back to their owners hand. If the card is not countered, you may place it into the play area.

Each kind of card enters the play area in a specific spot detailed further in the rules. Depending on the card you played, additional effects may trigger at this point.

Flip the correct Suit card FACE DOWN and follow the instructions on the suit card. Your turn is over and play passes to the next player.

Seance Party Play Area

To cast a card, announce that you are casting a card as you reveal it to the other players.

Read and perform the effects on the cast section of a card. Only cards that say "Cast" can be casted.

Your turn is over and play passes to the next player.

There are several effects that may be activated at any time their conditions are met.

Those conditions are written at the start of the effect such as "Round Start" "Round End" "Possess" "On Play".

"Eternal" effects can be used on anyone's turn and the details are found in each eternal effect.

Sub actions may only be triggered during your turn but you may trigger them as much as you'd like. Using these effects does not end turns.

To attack you must use a card with the Attack effect.

Once the attack is complete your turn ends AND you may not make any more actions for the rest of the round.

How to read a card.

Sample Seance Party Card

Each card has a name at the top.

Each card has four parameters. They are Speed, Hit, Cast, and Armor. These are vital when choosing cards for your deck.

Each card has an element that it is associated with.

Each card has a card type. Either Vessel, Spell, Item, or Curse.

Each card has an area for effect text but each card may not have an effect written.

Each card has an area for dice to be depicted on the bottom left for use with effects. Each card may not have dice present.

Each card has a power level in the very bottom left corner of the card.

When vessels are successfully played to the field they become possessed by you the player.

To possess a vessel place any amount of spirit energy face down underneath the card. You may also add one additional spirit energy from the top of your deck AND from your hand.

When spells are successfully played to the fiel they can be on their own or placed underneath a vessel face up.

If placed underneath a vessel the vessel is considered to have "learned a spell"

When Items are successfully played to the field they MUST be placed underneath a vessel.

When curses are successfully played to the field they have specific text written on them that tells you where to place it.

How to perform a cast, step by step.

Look at the Cast #.

To successfully cast a card you must roll a result that is the same or higher using the dice that are printed on the card.

You may also add the Cast Parameter from all cards in your play area.

If the number is reached, use the effect. If the number is not reached, the card is sent to the pit.

You may choose to let your casted cards be counterable with the same rules as playing a card.

Choosing to do this allows you to charge suits.

How to perform an attack, step by step.

Choose a vessel then choose an attack that it knows.

Choose an attack target. Either a vessel or an opponent's spirit energy directly.

The defending vessel must create an Armor Result. If attacking spirit energy directly, the armor result is derived from every card in play on the defending play area.

The armor Result created is the number that must be reached or exceeded by the attacking vessel's Hit result.

Use the dice printed on the card that has the "Attack" effect while adding any relevant "Hit Parameters" to create a hit result.

If the number is lower than the defending armor result then the attack fails and the turn is over.

If the attack is successful then the vessel deals 1 damage.

If the attack used has the same element as the vessel making the attack add 1 damage.

If the attacking vessel has 4 cards attached face up to it add 1 extra damage.

If the die that is nearest the top of the dice area on the attack card is showing its highest result you multiply all damage you would deal by 2.

Damage is dealt by placing the Spirit Energy cards from the defender face down into the Pit.

Charging your suit cards and the pentagram.

The pentagram is an ever changing state for the game.

If a card is successfully played and the suit matches the suit displayed by the pentagram you may charge that suit by rotating it to the charged position.

You also get additional effects for charging a suit. If you can charge all five suits, you automatically win the game.

If you successfully charge a suit you may make one of two actions.

Play another card before your turn is over.

Make an attack with a vessel. You will still be able to make actions after the attack.